Waiting for snow in Havana: Book Review

Waiting For Snow In Havana by Carlos Eire first published 2003

ISBN 0 7432 0737 8

EAN 9780743207379

This is a delightful evocative, novel of non fiction telling the story of a privileged Cuban boyhood in an island paradise turned upside down by the revolution of 1959. Christmas was cancelled and life was never to be the same again. The sound of firing squads replaces firecrackers and friends began to disappear from school. People were scared! Carlos along with his brother and 14,000 other children were airlifted alone to the United States in an operation called Peter Pan, in an effort to save lives. With the promise of families to follow… one day.  Son of a lawyer, who is convinced he is Louis XVI , the author recounts evocative tales of childhood pranks and adventures influenced by the imaginative world of his father’s intricate model making and fantasies of noble birth. The story is of a life torn between two lands and two cultures, families forced apart and the difficulties of adjustment and acceptance.

This book is a great read! It will make you laugh and cry at the same time! It will leave you with a beautiful and realistic image of pre revolutionary Cuba and bring into focus on a very personal level the  practicalities of difficult decisions made in haste with best intentions the consequences of which are being lived out by many too young to understand what was going on.


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