The Best Coffee Spot in Havana! 2010!
If all you want to start the day is a good cup of coffee join us in Plaza Vieja at Cafe Escorial!
Escorial is our favourite local coffee shop and its fame is spreading!
The coffee is roast, ground and consumed on the premises and is without any doubt the best cup of coffee available in the old city!! The wonderful aromas of the roasting coffee attract coffee addicts of all nationalities who converge at this spot where they can sit enjoying the ambiance of the Plaza and its surrounding restorations while waiting for their morning coffee.
Espresso is only one of the many varieties of coffee on the menu which also includes stronger beverages and a Cuban favourite of condensed milk topped up with Cuba’s dark sweet fizzy non alcoholic “Malta”, a meal in a glass! Other sweet things are available in the shape of cakes, ice creams and gateaux’s to accompany your coffee plus from time to time a selection of Cuban chocolates that can be bought individually.
An Espresso should cost you 75cents (check the price in the menu or you’ll be charged 1cuc)
The at times extremely slow service is made up for by the delicious coffee.
If you want to buy for home consumption best to get there before 10am and be prepared to stand and queue for an hour! It’s worth it!!!